Yuoki mod-trick with unikompozitami

For those who have not unraveled one of the main ideas Yuoki fashion. And so did not understand what you want all these lasers and bombs. Constructing such structure and uploading to the Central chest a bit unikompozitov, a couple of cycles discover that unikompozitov in the trunk gets bigger the amount of loan you downloaded. This is one of the circuits combining simplicity and efficiency. In addition to electricity and water, this scheme does not require anything more.

Original: Factorio Vkontakte

Yuoki-how to power the most powerful generator

For those who have not been able to spin in Yuoki fashion the biggest generator on maximum power. The only nuance, need to feed water from an external source, Steam will accumulate until the liquid in the system. then an external water source it is necessary to disable, or else the system will rise.

Original: Factorio vkontakte