Discord-online chat

Discord-a peculiar hybrid irc chat, skype and teamspeak'a. It allows you to communicate on various gaming channels as in text chat, and voice. Discord is absolutely free.
There is a client for Windows, Mac, Andoid, iOS. Soon to be on Linux. But then the client installation is not required. It runs without problems as a web application in a Web browser, and has almost the same functionality.

We have our own server Discord (or manually connect: FactorioRU), where you can chat in real time with other participants, get answers to your questions, or to find people willing to play on the network.

At the moment the server created on 2 main chat channel:
#General-General chat channel on any topic.
#ModDevelopment-creation of mods, and everything that concerns the development of mods.

There are also 2 channel game servers, which periodically work =)

Over time, the need to create new channels.

Invitation to our channel
Well or join: FactorioRu
