Factorio-game genre "sandbox" in which there are no strict framework and obsessive goals.
In the game you will need to obtain a variety of resources, plan and create huge and convoluted automated factories on manufacture of materials and various equipment and tools while learning new technology, thereby improving the process of extraction and production of the entire factory as a whole.
But it is not so easy as it seems at first glance. Deposits are exhausted sooner or later, and the factory's electricity consumption is constantly growing, and together with the development of soot your factories increasingly begins to irritate the local fauna. In such conditions, in addition to creating and scheduling the factory, there is a need to take care of the defence of existing databases, as well as smooth out and rebuild new territory for the sake of new resources!
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Official website: Factorio.com
Russian group Vkontakte: vk.com/factorio
The official trailer of the game:
Group photo of developers:

Photo developers Factorio